I am sure a single word cannot destroy our relationship! (…) Today we walked again. He said he will break up with me because I am not normal. And he can only make out with somebody with whom he could envisage his future, common children. And he could not imagine our little half-gypsy…
One word
2011.07.19. 23:20
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SZIN goes international: from Sean Paul to Russkaja
2011.06.09. 10:36
Having recently complained about the poor supply of international bands at SZIN'11 (meaning merely N.O.H.A. ), the organisers quickly came up with some surprises. Apart from the already mentioned programmes, the event is now underpinned with some more international names: the French…
Tags: szeged music events festivals
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Puppets of the world make (up) a child smile
2011.06.01. 20:56
Make every day children’s day! – says it. The puppet theater of Szeged and Subotica tried to make this wish come true – at least for a week. During the II. Festival of Children’s Theater in May puppets Serbia, Romania, Russia, Armenia, Germany, and such remote countries as…
Tags: szeged festivals theater&dance
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World music and indie - SZIN-scheme ‘11
2011.05.27. 10:31
The Szegedi Ifjúsági Napok (Days of the Youth of Szeged, also known as SZIN) is probably Hungary’s oldest, still existing musical festival. It dates back to ‘68. 1968, an Olympic year. The times of youth protest in the West and political relief behind the iron curtain. The year when…