This is the night when ANYTHING can happen – I used to iterate happily as a child. In fact, I still believe so...As every year around Midsummer night, Hungary will celebrate the Long Night of Museums this weekend. Not only can you visit the exhibitions in extraordinary hours but you…
Chastity belt for the long night
2011.06.24. 11:10
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SZIN goes international: from Sean Paul to Russkaja
2011.06.09. 10:36
Having recently complained about the poor supply of international bands at SZIN'11 (meaning merely N.O.H.A. ), the organisers quickly came up with some surprises. Apart from the already mentioned programmes, the event is now underpinned with some more international names: the French…
Tags: szeged music events festivals
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The lost seal of May 21
2011.05.20. 12:40
It happened in the 18th century, shortly after the Turkish occupation if Hungary has ended, during the good old Habsburg times, that the town clerk of Szeged damaged and then stashed a freshly made seal of Szeged in a fisherman’s net. With the rusty piece of seal-ring he wanted to prove that…
Tags: szeged events
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Alterra: late-spring theater for all levels
2011.05.01. 22:50
You might feel excluded from stage events in Szeged but this is not necessarily the case. Have you ever rambled around in Szeged's former Jewish district? Next to the "new" synagogue there is an "old" one. About 20 years ago the once sacral space has been turned into…
Tags: szeged music events theater&dance
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2011.04.19. 22:11
Fashion, fiesta, friends... Well, b&b could already stand for the fabulous surprise that awaited me in the City of Sunshine this morning. I was passing the cathedral in my usual morning mood, when some cute biker guys popped up to give me…kakaós csiga!!!, a.k.a. the best Hungarian…
Tags: szeged events living in hungary
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Ladybug throws gran 60h birthday party - - - everybody's invited!
2011.03.07. 19:15
In memoriam 6 years on FM89.9Exactly 6 years ago, in a small garage on the József Attila Av. …Let me proudly present you Rádió MI. Proudly, because I have been working there, I have been a member of this community for some years. I say community, because it is a so-called community radio…