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To whom it may concern

theatrandu 2011.07.26. 08:28

Dear organizers,

Thank you for this wonderful festival, thank you for not giving up, even when things were looking black. It's a shame the budget was cut down but you still managed to put together a first-class programme. We are really grateful. However, I would like to list a few things that were missing so that you can arrange better next time.

  1. Sunshine! Please learn some effective rain dance because it was not fun watching a show totally soaked. It's July, after all. Come on, you can do it!
  2. More international groups. I know, I know, there are financial constraints. But I am optimistic. Are you?
  3. JATE Klub. Or any place where the day ends. Where we all gather for the last performance or concert. Where audience, artists and staff have a chance to talk about big things in life over a beer. Or two.
  4. Karolina and Tamás, godmummy and goddaddy of Thealter. Without them the rainy days were just longer and sadder. So please set in your contacts for 2012. If you cannot organize it, then just make sure about #1. Deal? 

    Looking forward to seeing you again. 

Truthfully yours,

the viewer

Tags: szeged thealter festivals

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